

Rick "Um" Perry jumps the gay shark of Obama's non-existent war on religion

Would it be appropriate to call some of the claims in this commercial factually inaccurate, or just exaggerated and out of touch?

1. "... But our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas..."
What kids in the US are prevented by the government from celebrating Christmas? Unless your definition of "openly" means pushing or exhibiting their religion in schools or in places funded by government dollars, this is clearly false or wildly exaggerated. You can pray and shout as much as you want in your home, in private places, in lots of settings that are not public schools or government places.

2. "... or pray in school." Ahhh. He has some confusion about what the Bill of Rights means when it says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." If you feel like you can't freely exercise your religion without praying in school, then you can go to a private religious school so that the public doesn't have to pay to support your favorite religion. Because having prayer in public school would mean a kind of establishment of religion. Is it that hard to understand?

3. "As President, I'll end Obama's war against religion..." What has Obama done or endorsed that was different from the last 5 or 10 Presidents? He opened a White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships and participates in the National Day of Prayer, which seem to be removing some of the separation between church and state. I'm amazed by the ways some people characterize Obama as something more than a mild, compromising centrist. Are we talking about the same Obama? Do you mean Barack Hussein Obama I or one of the President's relatives making war on Christianity?

4. "... and I'll fight against liberal attacks on our religious heritage." I'm not sure what Perry would see as liberal attacks on Christian heritage, but I assume it's things like this blog post right here, just pushing back against overreach and encroachment of fundamentalists who hope to establish theocracy. Like the claim of "Obama's war against religion", there's no real substance to the idea unless you're way out of touch with reality.

It's amazing how Perry and some Christians can portray themselves as victims of discrimination. SRLY? Last time I checked, polls showed that atheists were more despised than gays, Muslims and African-Americans. How many people say in public they wouldn't let their daughter marry a Christian, or wouldn't vote for a Christian President?

And how much power do liberals have to "attack" Christians in the media? Ever try to drive through Mississippi or Alabama and find a radio station that isn't playing sermons or morality plays or gospel? Way more challenging game than "I spy with my little eye..." Compare that with the number or radio stations that specialize in a liberal agenda, keeping in mind that Air America went belly-up in 2010. It was a quaint novelty for a few years, and things went back to normal: dozens of Christian radio stations, dozens of stations broadcasting conservatives like Limbaugh and Hannity and O'Reilly, and corporate stations that tried to present unbiased news more or less. The only way you'd think a radio or tv station had a consistently liberal agenda would be if you are so conservative that you felt Bush was too much of a centrist.

I suppose if you have the kind of worldview that sees most media as liberal, as if corporate media can really be liberal, as if Bush's claims about WMDs in Iraq were reported unquestioningly by Judith Miller because the New York Times is the frontrunner of liberalism, then maybe it would make sense for (fundamentalist) Christians to fear the power and anger of liberals.

What Perry sees as a liberal "war against religion" and misattributes to Obama is really a holding action of citizens and even some non-fundamentalist Christians against theocracy.


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