

Everyone Would Be In Love With Me
In the shower yesterday I made the discovery that you can fit the lyrics from the Oscar Mayer weiner jingle over the tune of "You Are So Beautiful To Me" with only some minor manipulations. They also work well with the tune "With A Little Help From My Friends." Only in this case you finish the weiner lyrics and then continue with the original Help From My Friends chorus, thusly:

I wish I was an Oscar Mayer weiner,
that is what I'd truly like to be.
Cause if I was an Oscar Mayer weiner,
everyone would be in love with me

oh and I would FRY with a little HELP from my FRIENDS!
(put onions on me, I'll) CRY with a little HELP from my FRIENDS!
make your cholesterol HIGH with a little HELP from my FRIENDS!

Singing it in the style of Joe Cocker lets you emphasize emotion-drenched snippets like "I wish I was" and "Everyone would be in love with me".

Also with "You Are So Beautiful To Me" I find it works best when you cut out the "Oscar Mayer has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A" and revert to Cocker's super high original lyric "Meeeeeeee!" Making it:

Oscar Mayer has his way...

This discovery may be less earth-shattering than the fact that Leave It To Beaver melody fits over top of the Smurf Theme (La La La La La La), but I still can't tell how important that discovery is until I can figure out how to fingerpick both of them on the guitar at the same time. I know Leo Kottke recorded a song based on Woody Woodpecker played backwards, which he calls "Peckerwood." Perhaps he could be enlisted to make a version of "Smurf Beaver."


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