

Mark Thomas wrote about the exaggerated/fabricated pretext for invasion of Iraq in the 16 June 2003 New Statesman:
Rarely, though, has a dossier gone from "sexed up" to "fucked up" so quickly....If the evidence was not "sexed up" for political reasons, we can only assume that the security services are staffed by the cast of The Office, or by a bunch of lads from Ilford frantically trying to finish their work after a lunchtime session on a Friday. Giggling and jacketless, the lads are shouting: "Oi, Tel, I've found this student's stuff on the net!" "Bung it in, bung it in, oo's gonna know. It's Saddam, innit? 'E's a fucka. So it's probly true, an' if it ain't, it should be."


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