

Been using this blog as a place to keep track of quotes I might want to remember for later arguments about the war, or just collections of strangely worded statements like these...

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Brigadier-General Vince Brooks said, "Fire was indeed delivered from coalition forces, it was lethal fire and some Iraqis were killed as a result, we think the number is in the order of seven and we think there were some wounded as well," he said. US marines and special forces soldiers fired at demonstrators on Tuesday after they came under attack from people shooting guns and throwing rocks.

From "US admits Mosul killings", BBC News.

Why are we at war?
From an article titled "Kids & the Television War" in the April 12-18, 2003 TV Guide (NY Metro edition), director of psychiatric education at Children's Hospital Boston Dr. Stuart Goldman suggests telling children something along these lines: "When a country or the rulers of the country break big rules and hurt a lot of people and won't stop, even though other people try to get them to stop, sometimes a country will send their soldiers in to force those bad people to follow the rules. Nobody wants to do it, but sometimes it's needed to make the world safe for everybody."

It doesn't say how to respond if your child asks, "Who makes the rules?" or "Who watches the watchmen?"


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